9m 15sLength

RFD TV Show Direct TV, Ch 379, about the Rock Island Farmall plant which is being torn down. Max Armstrong interviewed people like Spike O'Dell (radio personality) and former workers and buyers of Farmall tractors. They had a parade of the restored old tractors run through the assembly line area (50 acres where they made up to 350 tractors a day) for one last time. Great Program! Kind of sad, but brings back a lot of good memories about a time of American workers sense of pride, prosperity, and "better times for middle class". Articles and comments of possible interest: http://www.qctimes.com/articles/2007/01/07/news/local/doc45a09cf9b8098594036223.txt? Story Pictures http://www.qctimes.com/articles/2007/01/07/news/local/doc45a09cf9b8098594036223.txt?showComments=true Comments http://www.qctimes.com/articles/2007/02/04/opinion/opinion/doc45c3a0f61cef8087611672.txt Follow up story http://www.ytmag.com/cgi-bin/viewit.cgi?bd=farmall&th=591269 - Yesterday's Tractors Forum